In The News

USN.comMassachusetts Students, Parents Lead Anti-Gun Town Halls

April 7, 2018
Monica Cannon-Grant decries the flow of illegal weapons into the community and seeks accountability from groups receiving violence prevention funding.

WGBH News - "One Ounce Of Hatred In The City Of Boston Is One Too Many Now"

August 18, 2017
Host Barbara Howard interviews Monica Cannon about Violence in Boston's plans to protest the Free Speech Coalition's rally and pursue a wider effort to ensure that elected officials protect and advocate for people of color, indigenous people and all who are suffering and being marginalized in our community.

Boston CBS - Walsh: City ‘In Some Ways Forced’ To Grant Boston Free Speech Rally Permit

August 17, 2017
In advance of the Boston Free Speech Coalition rally, counter-protest organizer Monica Cannon highlights the inflammatory nature of the group's speakers, literature and social media posts and vows that the city will unite against racism and white supremacy.

Daily Free Press - "City Council Analyzes Violence Among Young People in the City"

April 5, 2017
Monica Cannon attended Boston City Council’s Committee on Public Safety and Criminal Justice meeting, where attendees discussed lack of cooperation and trust between witnesses of violent crime and the police, as well as logistical problems with youth intervention programs.

NECN- The Take with Sue O'Connell - "Campaigning for Safe Neighborhoods"

March 30, 2017
Monica Cannon and Nation of Islam minister, Randy Muhammad, talk about the Backpack 68 program, social causes of violence, such as poverty, and possible solutions.

Boston Magazine - "Boston Is a Shooters’ Paradise"

February 12, 2017
More than 96 percent of gunmen involved in non-fatal shootings are never arrested in Boston. Furthermore, data on non-fatal shootings across the U.S. are practically nonexistent. Monica Cannon speaks about the lack of trust between communities of color and the police that leads to the absence in data.

Daily Free Press News - "Roxbury Community Discusses Solutions to Violence in Boston"

February 5, 2017
Monica Cannon led a town hall meeting with 50 community members to address the increase of violence in Boston. They discussed tangible solutions to violence, such as better education and addressing poverty.

BNN News - "Conversations on Violence in Boston"

February 2, 2017
Monica Cannon discusses an upcoming series of six community conversations about violence. In these conversations, panelists and leaders will provide information on violence, discuss accountability, transparency, and violence prevention.

Fox 25 Boston News - "Boston's 2016 Crime Statistics are Out"

January 4, 2017
Monica Cannon discusses the release of 2016 crime data. While overall violent crime has decreased, homicide rates have increased. People living in this community feel that not enough is being done and government initiatives don’t include the voices of community members.

The Bay State Banner - "Local Activists Seek Support for Anti-Violence Work"

November 16, 2016
Monica Cannon and other anti-violence activists are seeking more resources to address the specific needs of violence affected communities such as Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan, including trauma response services in schools. Local activists are planning meetings between city councilors and community residents to discuss strategies for the future.

Fox 25 Boston News - "Community Members Help Support Family of Haitian Immigrant Killed in Dorchester"

November 3, 2016
Benine Timothee, a recent Haitian immigrant to the U.S., was bystander to a shooting involving teenagers in Dorchester and was then shot and killed. The community, led by Monica Cannon, mourned her loss and organized a fundraiser for Timothee’s family.

Boston Globe - "Shooting of 9-Year-Old Girl in Boston Spurs Call for End to Violence"

October 12, 2016
Community leaders discuss strategies for violence prevention after the nonfatal shooting of a 9-year-old girl at a birthday party, as well as other recent shootings.

Boston Herald - "After Three Slayings, Neighbors Seek Unity"

October 12, 2016
Roxbury residents and activists met at Bruce C. Bolling Municipal Building in Dudley Square to address the recent increase in violence in their community.

The Respect Challenge - "Monica Cannon: Respect For Community"

November 18, 2015
Community Call recognizes Monica Cannon for her dedication to peace and the reduction of violent crime in her neighborhood through both political advocacy and community organizing.

Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department’s Common Ground - "Monica Cannon- Peace Collaborative"

March 12, 2015
Monica Cannon explains the mission of the Peace Collaborative, which combines the resources and goals of twelve peace-oriented organizations. She publicizes the Got Peace? Basketball Tournament, which uses basketball as a tool to promote education, arts, and faith, through a college fair, job readiness booth, CORI friendly employers booth, etc. She and Sheriff Steve Tompkins discuss many aspects of violence, from causes to prevention.

BNN News - "BNN News Interviews Monica Cannon, Peace Collaborative

January 23, 2015
The Peace Collaborative, made up of 12 nonprofits, hosts community events focused on providing resources and counseling to local youth, job readiness trainings, health resources, and more. Monica Cannon hopes their Got Peace? Basketball Tournaments will become a premier event for the city of Boston as an opportunity to bring the community together.